The Severe Effects of Product Piracy
Although trading in counterfeit goods is a lucrative business, there are significantly more losers than winners. In some cases, the manufacturers of the original products have to deal with severe revenue losses and damage to their image and credibility – but they are not the only ones to suffer from the actions of brazen counterfeiters. The counterfeit products are equally devastating for workers who lose their jobs, as well as for consumers who receive significantly lower quality products and who may even be at risk of harming their health. This is confirmed by an appalling figure released by the World Health Organization (WHO): Every year, up to one million people die as a result of taking counterfeit drugs.
Counterfeiters have their eyes on almost every industry. In Germany alone, one in ten companies has already fallen prey to counterfeiting gangs in recent years. This makes it all the more important to have appropriate product protection and security solutions in place in order to help companies effectively distinguish their brands and products from illegal, low-quality copies. We’ll be happy to advise you!